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EU Urges Lifting of Travel Ban to UK

by Didimax Team

The European Commission recommended the lifting of the travel ban imposed by EU countries in the UK. This is to enable important shipping and travel. The recommendations are a consideration for EU ambassadors who met on Tuesday to agree on the policy.

For information, more than 50 countries suspended travel to and from the UK amid concerns over the spread of a new Coronavirus variant. EU member states are able to set their own rules due to border conttrols. They can also continue with the policies they have taken.

Meanwhile, France announced the re-start of travel from the UK on a limited basis. At the weekend, the country closed its borders to passengers and goods from the UK. These conditions caused disruption at the port of Dover, as an important gateway there.


EU Policy Deal

Almost all 27 EU member states are currently suspending travel to and from the UK. The Commission's recommendations, given to EU ambassadors on Tuesday night, suggest that one vital travel should indeed be prevented. However, citizens coming to their residence or country must be allowed.

However, they still have to undergo COVID-19 tests or quarantine for 10 days.  The strict travel ban must not prevent a lot of England and EU citizens from returning to their homes. This was conveyed by European Justice Commissioner Didier Reynders in a statement he provided.

Important visitors, such as health workers, are required to undergo tests before departure. However, it should not be required for quarantine. Meanwhile, transportation workers in the European Union, including truck drivers, must be exempt from travel bans, COVID-19 testing requirements, and quarantine.

If an EU country demands rapid antigen tests from transport workers coming from the UK, this should "not cause transport disruption". Until now, French restrictions triggered long queues in the southern UK. The commission suggested that cargo flows should continue uninterrupted.

What is The Situation Between France and England?

EU ambassadors are considering adopting such rules recommended by the commission. This is despite EU member states tending to continue their own policies. Some flights will resume on Wednesday for Belgian nationals returning home. However, Germany extended its ban.

A trusted source said the ambassador had only 'recorded' the input. That is, it is still uncertain whether the regulations suggested by the EU will be carried out or not. However, some interested parties have now begun releasing their terms or decisions.

The French prime minister's office said that its citizens and the European Union will be able to return to the country as long as they are declared negative COVID-19. This is based on a report in the test whose results came out less than 72 hours before departure. 

The announcement paved the way for planes and trains to begin departures on Wednesday last week. However, the decision still did not solve the disruption of cargo flows seen in southern England. Both France and the UK said they would draw up more details.

Some Businesses Are Forced to Quit

Those details will make decisions about cargo and essential cargo. British transport minister Grant Shapps said via Twitter that it was a good progression. For information, there are more than 3,000 lorries stuck in traffic in Kent in the southeast of the UK.

Meanwhile, Japanese car giant Toyota said it had halted production at two of its factories. One business is in England and another one is in France. Toyota called production stalled due to a shortage of spare parts. 

This was triggered by transport delays and the uncertain nature of the duration of the border closures. If not addressed immediately, of course, it could have a wider impact. For example is the termination of employment, reducing tax revenue, etc.



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