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Forex Interbank Market the Important Part of Forex Trading

by Didimax Team

Forex interbank market serves commercial turnover of short-term speculative currency trading and currency investment. In this market, the typical maturity period for transactions is six months or overnight.

The tight bid-ask spreads and large transaction sizes are the characteristics of the forex interdealer market. In the interbank market, currency transactions can be proposed to hedge currency exposure or just to speculate.

It can just be proprietary. But it only applied to a lesser extent to customer such as importers and exporters or others which are driven by an institution’s corporate clients, for example.


Forex Interbank Market, a Brief History

The beginning of the story is in 1971 when the Bretton Woods agreement collapsed and the country was removed from the gold standard. After that, the interbank forex market developed. 

At that time, the currencies of most of the major industrialized countries were enabled to float freely. The government intervened was occasionally. The market is not centralized in a certain location. The trading only stops for holidays and weekends and the rest take place simultaneously across the world.

The advent of low-cost computer systems coincided with the advent of this floating system. It allowed the rapid increase in global trade. 

In the early days of interbank trading, sellers and buyers were matched by voice brokers via telephone systems. But then the computerized system replaced it with the ability to scan many traders with the best prices.

Today, trading systems of the best forex broker make it easier for traders to choose various currencies to be traded. There are also many trading platforms with useful tools for forex trading.

The Participants 

To be considered a maker of the interbank market, banks must set prices as well as asking prices to other participants. In a single deal, interbank deals can reach $1 billion.

Among the biggest players are JP Morgan Chase and Citicorp in the United States, HSBC in Asia, and Deutsche Bank in Germany. The other participants in this market are hedge funds and firms.

The way they are contributing to the exchange rate regulation is through their sales and purchase operations. There are no participants like large banks that can greatly affect the currency exchange rates.

Settlement and Credit in Forex Interbank Market

Most transactions in the spot market will be completed in T+2 after the execution. The main exception is the Canadian dollar vs the US dollar. They are settled the following day. This means banks must have a line of credit with their counterpart to trade. Most banks owned netting agreements to reduce settlement risk.

The offset transaction that settled on the same date in the same currency pair with the sane counterpart is required in the agreement. The amount of money changing hands can be reduced by this and thus the risk involved.

The Forex Interbank Market is decentralized since it is not regulated. Most central banks assess the indication of economic implications by collecting data from market participants.

Economic stability can be affected by any problem, therefore, there should be supervision for this market. Brokers, who link banks to each other for forex trading purpose, are also an essential part of the interbank market.

Those broker hold an important role for the market ecosystem since they are providing facilities for traders. With a professional broker like Didimax forex broker, you can trade easily and legally.

Didimax is the winner of the education broker in Indonesia in 2020 by finance review and global banking UK. We are an advanced broker you can trust.

You can start your trading career and understand many things with us. Be a smart trader by understanding the forex interbank market and other essential things in forex trading.



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