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Calculating Forex Broker Earnings in the simplest ways

by Didimax Team

Due to its both competitiveness and profitable on the foreign exchange market, you will better know how forex broker earnings actually come from. Furthermore, trading in foreign exchange seems really risky as it brings you to competitive and challenging market. 
However, as you might be loss or success, it’s important for you as a trader to keep aware with what is going to be happening in the future. Being well-informed of how it will lead you to win or failure will effectively help you avoid mistake while running this trade.
Another thing you have to know is that your winning or losing rate will also bring impact into balance of the margin in traders’ account. So it’s good for you to understand how to count on profits best forex brokers may get in a FX trade by considering these effective ways below.

Understanding Realized and Unrealized Profit & Loss

As a trader, do you know what unrealized P&T really means? In a case of forex broker earnings, this term definitely means that the condition shows an open traders and its possibility to be closed in certain time. This situation will also make a mark-to-market value which you can get by chance when closing the trading activity.
Specifically, mark-to-market calculation can be seen as the selling price as you get a long position. But how actually it happens in short condition? This price will be necessitated as the position is no longer opened since you want close by buying it.
Further, as there is closed position come up, unrealized profit and loss will remain. As the trading closed by trader, P&L will be coming to be realized. To get you simplest definition, there will be increase of balance of the margin as it’s called a profit. In contrary, when it comes to loss, margin balance looks get decreased.

How to Calculate Profit and Loss?

Calculating loss and profit to get to know how forex broker earnings come will be much essential for any traders as they need an actual calculation straightforward. Before we bring you the way to calculate P&L, it’s important to prepare the pips rate due to the price that moved. 
What’s more, you need also understand its position at that time. In order to find the rigid number about your loss or profit, now let’s take a look into the differences between long and short position down below.
1. Long position
Long position can be seen as a situation where there prices look increasing up and it will possibly gain you a profit. But if the prices look move down, loss will be coming up to the result of forex broker earnings.
2. Short position
When the short position happens, loss will come up when there is any growths of the prices. Instead, profit will be gained as the prices move down.

Take Assistances to Calculate from FX Broker

However, it seems important to be well-informed about the FX trading calculation process. But as you are a trader and shouldn’t have to count on this thing on your own, how forex broker earnings made from can be understood as all the brokerages have accounts that giving results of profit and loss of trading calculation automatically. 
For that reason, finding the best brokerage company will help you easily understand how actually losses or profits work on your account. Didimax forex broker will be great option for any traders in providing this information so you don’t need to do it manually by yourself.
Want to get to know how actually P&L comes in the process of foreign exchange trading activity? Well, maybe not all traders are able to count on this process on their own. So, looking for the steps on how forex broker earnings made will be totally essential for you as a trader.



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